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Egg Donation Facility at Dogus Fertility Clinic, Cyprus

Is it safe to donate egg or use the donor’s egg for IVF? All the things you need to know beforehand!

Egg Donation process in vitro fertilization (IVF) has permitted many infertile couples to form families. Donor eggs are typically required when female’s eggs will not fertilize and mature appropriately due to age, genetic disorders, damage from treatments such as cancer therapy, early menopause, or unexplained infertility. With egg donation, the father adds genetically, and the receiver female carries the baby, feeling the pleasure of pregnancy and of giving birth. Dogus Fertility Clinic in Cyprus, has a facility for IVF, including successful egg donation programs with advance technology for infertile couples of the opposite or same sex couples.

Read more: Egg Donation Facility at Dogus Fertility Clinic, Cyprus

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Dogus Embryo Donation Procedure

When should we consider using a donor?


Have you wondered when you should consider using a donor ? Rest assured that many people have. And they still do. The question of when to consider using a donor is a tough one to answer, in most cases depends on the situation and requires professional consultation we provide at Dogus IVF Clinic. However the factors that may lead to the need to make such a decision, are common amongst many couples.

Poor egg quality. Due to age or other health factors, the egg quality produced by women may be poor. This usually results in a poor grade embryo and/or failure during fertilization, maturation and implantation.

Low sperm count. Many men face the challenge of low sperm count, and in this case, the count produced is not sufficient to impregnate the female partner. Various fertility treatments have been developed to address this problem, with final solution of obtaining sperm from a sperm bank.

Read more: When should we consider using a donor?

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PGD at Dogus Fertility Clinic

Though many may not be aware of this, gender selection is more than just choosing between boy and girl and creating the perfect balanced family, it is actually one for the best ways to 1) understand and prevent genetic diseases and 2) improve the couples’ ability to genetically assess embryos before they are transferred into the uterus.

Gender selection, also known as sex selection, is by definition a fertility procedure used to choose the gender of a baby prior to conception. This is when a couple, whose preference may be either a boy or a girl, would undergo special processes to ensure that their offspring is indeed of their desired gender. They are several methods of gender of selection and these include:

Preimplantation Genetic diagnosis (PGD)

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure that involves the extraction and testing of cells from an embryo created via in vitro fertilization. These cells are then analyzed to determine their chromosomal makeup, the result of which would clearly show whether the embryo is male or female.

Read more: PGD at Dogus Fertility Clinic

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What are the impacts of IVF on the health of a baby?


It is a common question, and in some cases concern, that babies conceived through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or other Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) will be more susceptible to health issues than those conceived via natural conception. This, along with other similar myths have been researched time and time again, to come to a conclusive answer: No.

Are IVF children healthy ?

Research has found that babies conceived through IVF were just as healthy as those who were conceived naturally. More-so, their health remained constant all the way through to adulthood. Researchers from Monash University, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the University of Melbourne once conducted a study that was funded by Melbourne IVF preceding the National Health and Medical Research Council grant. This study found that:

Read more: What are the impacts of IVF on the health of a baby?

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Will my body accept a donor embryo?


The concern that the uterus will reject a donor embryo is a common fear amongst women who undergo fertility treatments with donated eggs or embryos. Here at Dogus Fertility Clinic we address these questions on regular basis. Many patients think that the embryo itself has matured enough to be able to detect the recipient’s body as a genetically foreign one. However, this is furthest from the truth. Resulting from the fact that half of genetic make-up of the embryo comes from the male partner, the embryo itself at that point, is genetically foreign to its own mother. Any uterus is ready and "immunologically privileged" for any embryo, and donor embryos have just as good a chance of implanting as normal embryos.

Great strides have been made to ensure the highest possible success rates of donor embryos, resulting in success rates of above 80% at Dogus IVF Clinic. Today we can confirm donor fertility treatments result in the highest pregnancy success rates among all other IVF procedures.

Read more: Will my body accept a donor embryo?

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40 now ! Is it too late ?


Questions such as what are you waiting for and when will you start are often asked by close friends and relatives once one reaches her 30s. The assumption persists that a woman in her 40s should not be having children, most commonly phrased as ‘have a baby before it’s too late.’

Getting pregnant at 40 ?

When Halle Berry first announced how surprised she was that she was pregnant at 41, the whole world seemed to ask the same question: Is it safe ? Having a baby at 40? Though a rare occurrence for natural conception to for a woman to conceive in her forties, the concern is usually the same: how will it affect the health of the mother and the baby, and what will be her ability to get the baby to get to term ?

Read more: 40 now ! Is it too late ?

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